The Blackberry War
We live on the edge of an embankment that drops off pretty precipitously to the road below. It's owned by someone who also owns some sort of store that seems so nondescript I can't figure out what they are selling. The trees and undergrowth has been left to grow wild and holy smokes, the blackberries invaded and have blockaded any access to the forest. The bark strip that I have before my precious, luscious lawn sort of reminds me of the DMZ between North and South Korea. No man's land. Recently though, the blackberries have been tunneling under the ground and sending shoots up right in the middle of my lawn! It's crazy! I watched one particular shoot grow for the better part of a month. I wonder if it thought it had succeeded in beating me. Little did it know, however, that I was letting it get big enough that I could get a proper grip on it and rip it out, roots and all. Yesterday, it was plucked and tossed back into its territory. I'm fine if they want to g...