Bro Time

Bro time is awesome. The wife was out on the town with her sister, which left an evening which, after the kids were put to bed, was left to the boys to decide what to do. It's never a tough decision. Video games, war movies, and Henry Weinhart's fine beverages.

Sadly, it could  not be done in person this time due to the omnipresent traffic and accidents on I-5 that choke the way out of Portland. Secretly, I think Portland conspires against its own population to keep them imprisoned within city limits.

With Skype and the internet though, video games can still be enjoyed. I enjoyed the war movie and beverages by myself. Not ideal but hey, it was still fun. We played Borderlands 2, a most excellent game.

It's nice living relatively close to one member of my family, but how awesome is this world when circumstances prevent live, in-person, manrichment time, that there is technology available to bridge the gap.

Good times.


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