Hitting up Grandma

I remember many years ago when we were visiting my Grandma in California and she wanted to buy us all a present. I wanted a domino set that was more than her budget but she was grandma and I was her grandson--as well as dead set on having that domino set. I can't remember if it was mom or dad that was sort of upset with me for wanting something expensive, but I feel a little bad even today.

Regardless, my son has decided he wants Pokemon cards. *Groan* At least have some class and want Magic cards so I can play too. Realizing that he was short on money and long on desire, he informed us last night he wanted to make a phone call to Virginia Grandma (Who I guess can't be Virginia Grandma anymore since they don't live in Virginia). I told him in no uncertain terms he was not to start hitting up Grandma for money.

This morning, he remembered he wanted to make that phone call. My encouraging wife let him do it, and he wanted to take the phone and hide in another room out of my earshot. He was good, just informed her that he wanted cards and their cost. He understands what'll get my ire up, and I suppose I should just trust that Grandmas and Grandpas know best, their budgets, and how and when to say, wow, that's a lot of money!

I'm not excited about the prospect of Pokemon's all over the place and I blame his cousins, but oh well. It's pretty awesome to see him try and navigate my rules versus his dreams and desires.


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