
Legos are awesome.

Yesterday, I had the kids to myself while the wife was away in Portland on a Time Out for Women conference. We had a good time, and the standout moment was playing Legos.

I like buildings and structures. I typically try and build what I term Kid-Proof structures, just to see if they can withstand the test of my daughter's constant movement. I have yet to succeed with the way she can't seem to sit still and is constantly unaware of where all her appendages are. An errant foot flies through my perfect wall, knocking it down. It bothers her brother too as his creations, as he refers to them as, are typically on the less sturdy side.

I think what really makes me the most proud though is that I started working on a new build, and immediately, my son identified what was missing--the gigantic laser turret that revolves around the entire build. If my stuff gets in the way, nope, not happening dad, you need to get that out of the way to make room for the turret because...guns, I guess. I have a boy, and it manifests itself well in Lego building. We are into spaceships, with guns, rockets--with guns, and pirate ships, with monsters, treasure, and yes, guns.

My daughter is pretty humorous too. She likes to put Lego guys all over the place, in random positions. If there is an empty space, it needs a guy standing there. If there is an enclosed area, then it needs to literally be packed with guys. Never mind they are laying on one another, stacked to the ceiling. Gotta use that empty space.

It's fun. It's awesome. 


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