Oregon Sunshine

It's winter, so to be expected, but holy cow, did it rain a lot today. I think it went hard, nonstop, for several hours at a time.

Now, it's Oregon, and again, winter, so it's not like it's really unexpected, but there is something awesome about seeing the parking lot outside my office slowly turn into a lake. Then of course, there's moving someone into their house in the rain. It's nice. You get cooled off as you struggle with that oversized chest of drawers. Someday I'll be able to say I moved half the ward's furniture into their homes, upstairs in most cases, and in the rain.

I should also add a quick shoutout to cheap tacos. There aren't a lot of options for lunch around the facility either. There's a Pilot station on the other side of the freeway that hosts a Subway and a Taco Bell. I hit the Bell fairly regularly and while there may be a certain amount of shame involved in going through the driver-thru, a few tacos really hit the spot. The chalupas are over-priced, you've been warned.


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