Good Things Happen Too

I had a Presidency Meeting yesterday, and we were discussing some possible topics for a future Elder's Quorum lesson. My counselor in charge of this upcoming meeting mentioned that he had been thinking a lot about how we as people living in this world, fallen as it is, can rise above that and find joy. It's a good topic.

The world we live in is seriously troubling. Natural disasters, wars, corruption, and all manner of mayhem stretch from one side of the globe to other and up and down. Incivility at work and amongst the community, on and off-line, is the usual rather than the exception. The more connected we get to the world through devices the more I'm convinced we actually interact less, and in less meaningful ways. It's easier to email than call someone. It's easier to express oneself, often rudely or inanely, on Facebook than it is to find a friend and have lunch.

Despite all of that, I continue to find and be surprised at the cool things out there in the world. I saw a story of a man who got one of those emails from Liberia asking for immediate assistance. We've all gotten those and blown them off as a scam--and we're probably right for doing so. This man played along in his own way and through a bizarre and completely unexpected series of events was able to help someone in Liberia learn to take pictures, make money from an album, and help over a hundred school kids in his country get vital school supplies. It probably started off as a scam, but ended up blessing a lot of lives.

I heard of another cool story of a John's Crazy Socks on Long Island. He has down syndrome and wanted to start a business with his dad. They sell really cool socks. I'll probably buy some. They come with a nice gift  box and a treat with every pair. If you live on Long Island, John will personally deliver them. That's awesome!

It's easy to get dragged down, but there is a lot of really neat things going on in the world alongside the bad. The influence of our Heavenly Father is at work, in divers ways, means, and places. We may not credit Him for some or any of it, but it is all His.

I think we can be positive, even if it's a struggle a lot of the time. Even more, we can contribute to positivity in our own homes, our workplaces, and communities. We can pray for opportunities to do so. Maybe we can all find our own personally way to contribute Crazy Socks to the world.


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